尾声, 肖邦f小调第四叙事曲
尾声, 肖邦f小调第四叙事曲
分享Krystian Zimerman的单曲《Ballade No.4 In F Minor, Op.52 (f小调第4号叙事曲,作品 52)》https://y.music.163.com/m/song?app_version=8.9.90&id=32696191&uct2=vdt8IUAhZr/TqkWNkUhfbg==&dlt=0846 (@网易云音乐) ------------------------------------------------------------ 余轶影最终收到了来自丽语传媒的赔偿。并不算多,但他不在意。 在他那次新闻发布会的直播之后,媒体们纷纷把矛头转向了黎丽和严灏,挖出了他们的亲戚关系,挖出了严灏的背景,还有职业生涯上别的一些不光彩的事情。 诚然,以严灏家里的能量,并不会让他受到什么伤筋动骨的制裁,他也仍然保留了音乐学院的公职。 但很多国内外的演出资源,在严灏相关的一些负面新闻流出以后,都逐渐和严灏脱钩了。 而余轶影,便成为了受益者。 一年以后。 奥地利,哈尔施塔特教堂。 座落在湖光山色的小镇迎来了一对新人的婚礼。 新郎和新娘都穿着简单素雅。新娘拿着一束浅粉白色的蔷薇花。没有宏大的仪式,没有喧闹的宾客,他们俩手拉着手,站在神父面前,深情地凝视着彼此。 据说,新郎是一位在世界上小有名气的钢琴家。在奥地利巡演期间,向他的爱人求婚成功。 神父也没有宣读传统的婚礼誓词,而是应新人的要求,朗诵了一首波兰诗人亚当·密茨凯维奇的叙事诗。 The Three Brothers Budrys 布德里斯三兄弟 Doughty Budrys the old, Lithuanian bold, 勇敢的老布德里斯,一个刚毅的立陶宛人, He has summoned his lusty sons three. 把他三个健壮的儿子叫到身边。 "Your chargers stand idle, now saddle and bridle “你们的战马闲散已久,拿出马鞍和缰绳,” And out with your broadswords," quoth he. 他补充道,“还有你们的阔剑。” "For with trumpets&039; loud braying in Wilno they&039;re saying 伴随着维尔纽斯响亮的号角声, That our crmies set forth to three goals; 他们说出征队伍有三个目标; Gallant Olgierd takes Russia and Kiejstut takes Prussia Gallant Olgierd 征服俄罗斯,Kiejstut 征服普鲁士 And Scirgiell - our neighbours the Poles, 而Scirgiell-征服波兰,就在我们的国土旁边。 "Stout of heart and of hand, go, fight for your land 用你们坚定的心灵和身体,去为自己的土地而战, With the gods of your fathers to guide you; 祖先的英灵指引着你们, Though I mount not this year, yet my rede ye shall hear: 虽然老父现今已不能出征,但你们会听到我的告诫: Ye are three and three roads ye shall ride you. 你们三兄弟将沿着三条道路勇往直前。 "By Lake Ilmen&039;s broad shores where fair Novgorod lowers “在美丽的诺夫哥罗德低地,伊尔门湖宽广的岸边 One shall follow &039;neath Olgierd&039;s device: 一个人跟随在Olgierd马鞍之下: There are sables&039; black tails there are silvery veils, 黑貂尾的披风,银白的面纱, There are coins shining brightly like ice, 身上的钱币像坚冰闪闪发光, "With Kiejstut&039;s hordes ample the next son shall trample 二儿子Kiejstut率领着大部队, That dog&039;s breed, the Knights of the Cross; 践踏着十字军骑士,那狗一般卑贱的种群, There he amber thick-strown, vestments diamond-sown, 他布满琥珀和钻石的胸甲, And brocades al a marvellous gloss, 织锦花纹辉煌锃亮。 "In the barren, stripped land beyond Niemen&039;s wide strand 在涅曼河岸边那贫瘠、被剥夺的土地上 Where goes Skirgiell, the third son shall ride; 三儿子Skirgiell策马扬鞭, Only buckler and sword will he get as reward, 圆盾和剑仅是他作战的奖赏, But from there he shall bring him his bride. 但从那里他将带回他的新娘。 "For &039;tis Poland the world over that&039;s the land lor a lover: “波兰对于全世界来说,都是情人的土壤: All the maids are like kittens at play; 所有的少女像小猫一般玩闹, Faces whiter than milk, lashes soft as black silk, 比牛奶还要洁白的面颊,如黑丝绸般柔软的睫毛, And their eyes - like the star-shine are they! 她们的瞳仁——如同星光版闪耀! Fifty years are now sped and my bride is long dead, 五十年过去了,我的新娘早已逝去, The bright Pole I brought home from a raid: 我带回家的只有一次突袭中雪亮的矛尖: And yet still when I stand and gaze out toward that land, 然而,当我站在那里,凝视着这片土地时, I remember the face of that maid." 我还记得那名姑娘的脸。” So he ends and they turn, he has blessed them their journey: 所以他结束征程,部队调头开拔,指挥官祝福着他们的旅途。 They&039;ve armed them, they&039;ve mounted and fled: 他们全副武装,跋山涉水: Fall and winter both pass, never word comes, alas, 秋冬过去,父亲从未收到只言片语, And old Budrys had thought his sons dead. 老布德里斯以为儿子们早已不在人世。 Through the high-piling drift comes a youth riding swift, 浪花高溅的激流中,来了一位纵马疾驰的青年, &039;Neath his mantle rich booty doth hide: 斗篷之下,丰盛的战利品隐约可见: "Ah, a Novgorod kettle full of silver-bright metal!" “啊,这定是诺夫哥罗德的银器在闪光!” - "Nay, my father, a Polish bride!" “不,父亲,这是我的波兰新娘!” Through the high-piling drift comes a youth riding swill, 浪花高溅的激流中,来了第二位纵马疾驰的青年, &039;Neath his mantle rich booty doth hide: 斗篷之下,丰盛的战利品隐约可见: "Ah, amber, my son, in the German land won&039;" “啊,我的儿子,这定是琥珀,来自你征服的德国土壤。” - "Nay, my father, a Polish bride!" “不,父亲,这是我的波兰新娘!” Through the high-piling drift rides the third. Ah, his gift, 浪花高溅的激流中,来了第三位疾驰的青年, &039;Tis the pride of the west and the east! 他的战利品,足以令东方和西方都为之骄傲。 But while yet it is hidden, old Budrys has bidden 虽然那战利品秘而不宣,老布里德斯却已经发布邀请, His guests to the third wedding feast. 让他的客人们快去参加第三次婚宴。 (完) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 作者留言:肖叙四据说是肖邦根据这首波兰叙事诗作曲的,就用来做结尾吧~ 我个人很喜欢这首诗也很喜欢肖叙四,斗胆翻译了一下放在结尾了 谢谢大家的资瓷XD